Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dixie Lee

Dixie Lee (Crosby), was born Wilma Winifred Wyatt in Harriman, Tennessee, on October 4th, 1911. She won a singing contest in Chicago which included a part in a Broadway play. Dixie was soon on her way to Hollywood, and at the age of eighteen was signed to a contract with Fox. She soon met Bing Crosby and after a short courtship, they were married on September 29, 1930. Dixie's film career was short, with just 15 films, and this was partly due to the four children she bore, beginning in 1933 with Gary Crosby, twins in 1934 and another in 1938. Bing's career was also taking off, and she was often left home minding the children while he toured the world. Unfortunately, this led to a drinking problem that contributed to her ill health and death in 1952 at the age of 40. The film Smash-Up: The Story of a Woman (1947) starring Susan Hayward, is said to be loosely based on her life and marriage. Because Dixie was really a singer first, she did make occasional appearances on Bing's radio show. Click here to hear their 1936 duet of A Fine Romance.

Click on the images for a larger view.

Postcard of Fox publicity still

Night Life in Reno (1931)

Manhattan Love Song (1934)

A publicity still from the lost film The Big Party (1930)

Dixie Lee - What do you think - Allure?

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Greta Garbo - Second of 5 postings

A bit of Garbo trivia. Greta is pictured on a 37¢ USA commemorative postage stamp issued September 23, 2005, five days after her 100th birthday. On the same day, Sweden issued a 10kr stamp with the same design. The likeness on the stamps was based on a photograph taken during the filming of As You Desire Me(1932).
Garbo quotes and images.
Click on the images for a larger view.

I wish I were supernaturally strong so I could put right everything that is wrong.

Is there anything better than to be longing for something, when you know it is within reach?

Every one of us lives his life just once; if we are honest, to live once is enough.

There are some who want to get married and others who don't. I have never had an impulse to go to the altar. I am a difficult person to lead.

Being a movie star, and this applies to all of them, means being looked at from every possible direction.You are never left at peace, you're just fair game.

Greta Garbo - What do you think - Allure?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Asides - The Twenty Favorite Actresses Meme

Or, more specifically, twenty actresses you will watch, the quality of the film be damned. Not that these women made many clunkers, but I'm easy anyway. This post comes from again being tagged by The Siren (thanks, I think), with whom my list and no doubt several others share some names. I mean, what list doesn't include Edna May Oliver. My criteria is they make me laugh or cry or think or take a cold shower ( a couple fill all those in one "package"). So in no particular order, and with apologies to the few hundred other actresses I also admire or adore, here goes:

Marion Davies

Anita Page

Bette Davis

Claire Trevor

Gene Tierney
I must add here that this frame is from Leave Her To Heaven and the Technicolor in this scene on the train is stunning.

Edna May Oliver

Ida Lupino

Gloria Graham

Barbara Stanwyck

Marie Dressler

Anna May Wong

Kay Francis

Joan Crawford
Note that I kept Joan and Bette separated - its just safer that way.

Toby Wing

Elsa Lanchester

Bebe Daniels

Katherine Hepburn

Greta Garbo

Myrna Loy

Ann Sheridan

and number 21...

All the uncredited bathing beauties, chorus girls, and dancers of silver screen.

PS - The meme originated at The Film Experience.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Greta Garbo - First of 5 postings

We all know her full name, but to fans and the general public from the twenties through today, it is simply Garbo. No other actresses so quickly garnered the attention that grew around Garbo. Some thought her too aloof, others worshipped her on screen presence and performances, all wanted more information about her private life than she was willing to share, and time has not lessened the enigma that continues to fascinate to this day. Those who want her biography need only enter Garbo into their search engine.

This series of posts will simply contain images of Garbo along with quotes she made throughout her career. I should add that when I post images of actresses from our postcard collection, I often pick the images I feel are the most alluring based on my own bias. In Garbo's case, none were deselected.

Click on the images for a larger view.

I never said, 'I want to be alone.' I only said, 'I want to be left alone.' There is all the difference.

I'm afraid of nothing except being bored.

There is no one who would have me - I can't cook.

Life would be so wonderful if we only knew what to do with it.

Movie Mirror, December 1931 - Artist: John Ralston Clarke

Greta Garbo - What do you think - Allure?